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2019-01-02 更新:相对于 Kubernetes 来说,Nomad 还是太简陋了,弃坑
Nomad 是 HashiCorp 出品的一个容器编排服务,相较于重量级的 Kubernetes 来说,Nomad 的特点在于
从官网下载二进制文件,复制到 /usr/local/bin 就好了,不再赘述
$ sudo nomad agent -dev
$ nomad node status
ID DC Name Class Drain Eligibility Status
171a583b dc1 nomad <none> false eligible ready
$ nomad server members
Name Address Port Status Leader Protocol Build Datacenter Region 4648 alive true 2 0.7.0 dc1 global
Nomad 的调度单元称作 Job,Job 分为了三种类型:
Job 可以使用 HCL 文件来定义,HCL 文件在语义上和 JSON 是等价的,只不过是省去了一些多余的引号逗号之类的。也可以使用 JSON 文件来定义。
创建一个空白的 job 文件
$ nomad job init
Example job file written to example.nomad
打开生成的 example.nomad 文件,我们看到生成了一大推配置,默认定义了一个 redis 服务器的 job。Job 中包含了 Group,Group 中包含了 Task,task 可以认为是我们最终需要运行服务的那个命令。比如这里就是定义了运行 redis:3.2 这个 docker 镜像。
task "redis" {
# The "driver" parameter specifies the task driver that should be used to
# run the task.
driver = "docker"
# The "config" stanza specifies the driver configuration, which is passed
# directly to the driver to start the task. The details of configurations
# are specific to each driver, so please see specific driver
# documentation for more information.
config {
image = "redis:3.2"
port_map {
db = 6379
我们可以运行一下这个 job
-> % nomad job run example.nomad
==> Monitoring evaluation "4f5559e0"
Evaluation triggered by job "example"
Allocation "98959767" created: node "ecf9f7cd", group "cache"
Evaluation within deployment: "e66e0957"
Evaluation status changed: "pending" -> "complete"
==> Evaluation "4f5559e0" finished with status "complete"
然后查看一下 job 的运行状态:
$ nomad status example
ID Node ID Task Group Version Desired Status Created Modified
8ba85cef 171a583b cache 0 run running 5m ago 5m ago
在最下面一行我们可以看到 Allocation 的状态。Allocation 可以理解为一个 Job 的一个实例化。
我们可以再查看这个 Alloc 的状态:
$ nomad alloc status 8ba85cef
Recent Events:
Time Type Description
10/31/17 22:58:49 UTC Started Task started by client
10/31/17 22:58:40 UTC Driver Downloading image redis:3.2
10/31/17 22:58:40 UTC Task Setup Building Task Directory
10/31/17 22:58:40 UTC Received Task received by client
查看 Alloc 的日志
$ nomad alloc logs 8ba85cef redis
比如说,我们可以把这个 Job 中 cache task group 需要运行的副本数量改为 3
count = 3
使用 nomad job plan 来 dry run 一下。
$ nomad job plan example.nomad
+/- Job: "example"
+/- Task Group: "cache" (2 create, 1 in-place update)
+/- Count: "1" => "3" (forces create)
Task: "redis"
Job Modify Index: 7
To submit the job with version verification run:
nomad job run -check-index 7 example.nomad
注意到其中返回了一个 check-index 这个是为了避免同时更改同一个 job 造成冲突。
$ nomad job run -check-index 7 example.nomad
在生产环境中,我们当然应该使用集群模式,而不是单机。nomad 可以直接利用 consul 来实现 bootstrap 集群。
# /etc/nomad.d/server.hcl
data_dir = "/etc/nomad.d"
server {
enabled = true
bootstrap_expect = 3
$ nomad agent -config=/etc/nomad.d/server.hcl
# /etc/nomad.d/client.hcl
datacenter = "dc1"
data_dir = "/etc/nomad.d"
client {
enabled = true
$ nomad agent -config=/etc/nomad.d/client.hcl
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